The Fulfillment


January 1999, We become extremely discouraged. Irkutsk officials have been on holiday for almost a month and there is no change in the judges' moratorium on adoptions in the region.

Zhenya's birthmother finally signs the wavers and release forms for her adoption. We CELEBRATE by going out for Chinese food! Yummy!

February 1999, There is hopeful news from our agency that if a letter is obtained from INS a couple of families may be able to get their children.

Our children are taken out of the orphanage for their medical examination prior to a courtdate. Hopeful, but not concrete - it's all preparation.

March 1999, Two Tennessee families obtain a signed INS letter and are able to travel. They made a good impression on the regional judge, but unfortunately find out that she does not really believe adoptive parents can love their children the same as bio parents. Hmm, a weird philosophy considering that all those children in the orphanages were given up by their bio parents. So, odd stereotypes of adoptive parents continue to linger.

Erik starts to contact the State Department and I our congressman to find out what can be done from our angle to help get our region open: new letters, documents, BLOOD! We were ready to do just about anything.

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April 1999, Gina and Erik hit an all time low. We are hopeful and yet very, very discouraged to think this waiting could continue for an undetermined amount of time. Erik continues to inquire at the State Department, INS and our international adoption agency, Mercy Medical Mission. Gina decides she can't take the commute to work along with the emotional stress and after discussing it with Erik they decide it is time have Gina set a date to quit working. NOTE: we set the date six weeks in advance without any hope of a courtdate or travel to Russia. The magic date, Friday, May 21, 1999.

May 1999, we received word that the judge was relenting and had placed another judge to review our cases. Our dossier went to Judge Burdukova and we "FINALLY GOT A COURTDATE" for May 28, 1999

PERFECT TIMING! Remember we didn't know when I should quit working, but set a date about 6 weeks in advance? Well, Gina quit on Friday and we traveled on Monday for Moscow! God is SO GOOD!

HOMEPAGE   Adoption Stories


So we went shopping for gifts! We could barely contain our excitement!!!

HOMEPAGE   Adoption Stories